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Freeware (Free)


10 Nov 2014


Azureus Software


Software Screenshots

Size: 11 MB

Downloads: 23093

Platform: Mac OS X

Review by Frederick Barton (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 14 Apr 2014

Despite the controversy they cause, torrent files are one of the most efficient methods of exchanging huge amounts of data over the Internet. From large project files, to freshly rendered videos, anything can be transferred as fast and easy as possible via bit-torrents. With so many bit-torrent clients out there, it can be difficult to identify one that serves your specific needs. An excellent choice is Vuze, due to its smart and flexible functionality. Besides its faster downloading speed, the software provides a wide variety of useful features, like a torrent search function, built-in RSS reader, a library management system and more.

The software's interface is divided into several sections, in which you can view your library, active and completed downloads, notifications from Vuze or discover new free videos on Vuze's HD network. If you have torrent files in your Mac's local folders, you can import them one by one or load multiple files at once. Alternatively, you can perform a web search on Bing or a meta search, to find the torrent files you need. Besides the files themselves, the meta search results include various details, like size, peers and seeds, age, rank and others. A torrent file's data can be downloaded right away, just by clicking its corresponding Download button.

Once you click a torrent file's Download option, Vuze will start downloading right away. The operation can be paused and resumed at any time. Downloaded media files can be played immediately, with the software's own HD video player, just by clicking their corresponding Play options, so you don't have to browse for the files. If you want more media files, you can look on Vuze's HD network, which is a good source of free videos. Just like with torrent files, you only need to click a video's Download option. Additionally, you can subscribe to the RSS feeds from the websites that uploaded the videos. The application will create new sections on its interface for each subscription, where you can find the latest RSS updates.

The software provides web search functions, so you can find torrent files much faster. Also, it comes with its own HD video player for downloaded media files. The user interface has a modern design and its options are very well organized.

Certain tools, like the video player, have to be downloaded before you can use them.

With Vuze's smart functionality, finding torrent files and downloading their corresponding data can be done much faster and easier.



Vuze Awards

Vuze Editor’s Review Rating

Vuze has been reviewed by Frederick Barton on 14 Apr 2014. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Vuze 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5